Selasa, 27 September 2011

Ciri-Ciri Cowok Setia | Tipe Pria yang Tak Pernah Selingkuh

peneliti di sebuah universitas di Inggris menemukan, pria dengan IQ lebih tinggi akan lebih setia pada pasangannya dan selalu menjunjung tinggi nilai monogami dibandingkan pria lain yang IQ-nya tergolong rendah. Namun, dari hasil penelitian ini, hubungan antara moralitas seksual konvensional dan intelektualitas tidak tercermin pada wanita. Para peneliti tidak menemukan bukti bahwa wanita yang IQ-nya lebih tinggi memiliki sikap sama seperti pria cerdas dengan IQ tinggi.
Pola-pola kesetiaan justru hanya ditemukan dalam diri pria yang diteliti oleh Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa dari London School of Economics pada jurnal yang dipublikasikan di ‘Psikologi Sosial Quarterly’ edisi Maret. Sebagai bagian dari studi, Dr. Kanazawa menganalisis dua survei utama AS yang dipastikan sikap sosial dan IQ dari ribuan remaja dan orang dewasa.

Dia menyimpulkan: “Sebagai analisis empiris menunjukkan, pria yang lebih cerdas cenderung lebih monogami dan selalu menjunjung nilai eksklusivitas seksual dibandingkan dengan pria kurang cerdas alias ber-IQ rendah.” Dr. Kanazawa juga mengklaim, korelasi antara kecerdasan dan monogami pada pria memiliki asal-usul dalam perkembangan evolusioner. Menurutnya, eksklusivitas seksual adalah sebuah “evolusi novel” kualitas yang bermanfaat bagi orang-orang di zaman purba, yang diprogram untuk mengetahui tingkat kesetiaan seseorang.
Dunia modern tidak lagi menganugerahkan keuntungan evolusioner untuk orang-orang yang memiliki beberapa mitra seksual, tetapi hanya orang-orang cerdas yang mampu melepaskan beban psikologis spesies mereka dan mengadopsi cara-cara baru berperilaku. Berdasrkan studi ini “evolusi novel” merupakan kualitas yang lebih umum di kalangan orang-orang dari kecerdasan yang lebih tinggi.

Traveling tips

I traveled out of the city for a conference sometime ago for approximately 5 days. Everything I had to bring (including business attire) fitted in a small luggage and a small backpack. My friend brought two big luggages, one travel bag, and one carry-on women handbag. I can never travel like that. :p
I usually travel alone – yes, just like Ryan Bingham on “Up In The Air”. Here are some basic tips from me – especially if you are going to travel alone for the first time.

  • Travel light - Yes, it is one of the most important things. If you want to have a fun trip, do not bring too many items (especially clothes). You won’t suffer wearing the same jeans, shoes, and jackets/coats everyday. It would be difficult to travel on your own if you bring so many luggages. Only bring what you can bring while traveling a far distance on foot. Before I pack, I always go to this website: The Universal Packing List.
  • Research - Read a lot about the place you are going. Almost everything can be found on the Internet. You can also buy books about those places. Before I travel somewhere, I usually read about it on a number of websites. Here are my favourite websites: WikiTravelTripAdvisor, and VirtualTourist. Also check about the public transportation and its costs.
  • Re-check your documents - Read again! Do the names on your passport and ticket match? Do you need a visa to visit the place? If you do, have you applied? How long is the visa application process? Make copies of them and put these copies in all bags you bring. 
  • Prepare your cash - Some people choose to exchange their money abroad. Truth to be told, Rupiah is not that “internationally renowned”. It is never listed, therefore it can be assumed, people don’t ask for Rupiah and it makes Rupiah depreciated. We might lose much by exchanging our cash abroad. So, exchange your cash here (and not in the airport though)! I recommend Dua Sisi Money Changer (they have branches in Grand Indonesia, Senayan City, Plaza Senayan). They are very helpful, offer good rates, and sometimes have the currency others don’t. My family relative recommended Bali Inter, but they once sold CHF on IDR 10,000/CHF and wanted to buy my CHF for only IDR 8,000/CHF. What a rip off. Good thing Dua Sisi saved the day by buying my CHF at IDR 10,000/CHF.
  • Prepare your cards, too - Your ATM card is probably accepted overseas. BCA is a part of the Cirrus and Maestro network, Mandiri is a part of Visa, and so on. Check your bank’s website to know how much will it cost to withdraw your money abroad(for emergency situations). However, I was advised that using credit card overseas is better than using debit card – because credit cards have fraud insurance. I once withdrew my cash using my Mandiri ATM card in London. I withdrew GBP 30. When I already arrived in Jakarta, I received a message (Mobile Banking), saying there is a debit transaction worth a few million Rupiahs for around 3 times. Apparently someone “recorded” my card details and used them to shop in Tesco, London. I lost my entire savings worth more than IDR 8,000,000. I then contacted Bank Mandiri in Jakarta and claimed, because I still had my card with me in Jakarta and had proofs that I was not in London; so then Bank Mandiri accepted my claim and returned my cash.

Last but not least… Have fun! What’s your traveling tip? 

what's DANBO???

Danboard DANBO is short, made of paper board cartons. This doll is the creation of a comic artist Kiyohiko Azuma manga series Yotsuba. These dolls are very unique shape, namely action figures looking like human beings with mini size 7 cm and 13 cm. Anyone would feel passionately when I saw the Danbo this. How DANBO not be moved manually and is formed with a variety of unique styles.
Companies that make use of high technology in every joint doll is enabling him to move gracefully. Expression of the cute cardboard is a main attraction. Danbo itself in Japan is sold at prices ranging from 5000 yen, or about Rp. 500,000 rupiah per seed. In this tiny danbo manga series can move when there is a coin that is inserted into the mouth. You are interested in having them? Currently this cardboard doll can be ordered online at Danbo basis, make gemes wrote. Danbo following picture was taken in various poses are adorable.

Wanita Itu, Seperti Buah Apel

sadarlah, Apel yang diatas sana, kalau dirimu itu berbeda dalam sudut pandang positif. Tidak ada yang perlu diubah. Tinggal menunggu pengambil apel tipe kedua, yang rela dicemooh dan diejek si pemetik jeruk. Jika suatu hari kalian bertemu, kalian pasti akan bersama. Tetap jaga harga buahmu.